Chủ Nhật, 26 tháng 8, 2018

Red Birds Nest Recipe with Vegetables

Vegetables are healthy, everybody knows this fact. However, the taste or the way of cooking for vegetables sometimes compromise the benefit of vegetables. Red Birds Nest, one of the most healthy ingredients, can be put together with vegetables to bring out the delicious, nutritious, and tasty meals. Here is Red Birds Nest recipe with vegetables:

I. Red Birds Nest with Vegetables

Ingredients :
- 115 g superior Red Birds Nest, soaked until soft
- 2 dried black mushrooms
- A suitable amount of vegetables, such as black mushroom, spinach, cauliflower, bok choy, etc
- A suitable amount of egg yolk shreds
- A suitable amount of ham shreds
- 3 cups stock
Instructions :
1. Soak mushroom or vegetables till tender, then wash and cut into shreds.
2. Arrange vegetables, ham shreds, and egg shreds on top of the Red Birds Nest.
3. Pour in stock, stew over the boiling water for 40 minues
4. Serve hot.
Red Birds Nest Recipe with Vegetables
Red Birds Nest Recipe with Vegetables

II. Red Birds Nest with Winter Melon and Mushroom

Ingredients :
- 113 g superior Red Birds Nest, soaked until soft
- 450 g winter melon
- A suitable amount of mushroom
- 38 crab meat
- 2 cups stock
- 1 egg white
- 1 slice ginger
Instructions :
1. Remove pell from winter melon, remove pith and cut into pieces.
2. Soak mushroom till tender, then wash and cut into shreds.
3. Boil the stock, add slice ginger, mushroom, and winter melon.
4. Cook for 10 minutes, then cover for 10 more minutes.
5. Discard slice ginger, blend winter melon into puree.
6. Add Red Birds Nest into winter melon puree and bring to the boil. Stir in crab meat.
7. Season with salt and corn strach.
8. Add white egg, then serve hot.

Pumpkin Scallop Red Birds Nest Porridge

Ingredients :
- 5 g superior Red Birds Nest, soaked until soft, and stewed
- 5 medium to large size hokkaido dried scallops, soaked and peeled into shreds
- 200 g pumpkin, washed and chopped into small cubes
- Half cup white rice, washed and drained
- 1 litre of water
Instructions :
1. Put water, rice, pumpkin, and the dried scallops in a pot and bring to boil. No need to add salt as hokkaido scallops are already rich in flavors.
2. Cook for another 30 minutes with low heat, until the soft porridge is cooked. Stir occassionally.
3. Add softened Red Birds Nest and cook for 5 minutes until the Red Birds Nest turn soft and into gelatin.
4. Cook using electric cooker will be fine.
5. Serve hot

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